3 Ways To Accomplish Big Things
Joshua 10:1-14 - Click here to watch the sermon
In last week's sermon we learned that the Gibeonites tricked Joshua and the Israelites into forming a sort of peace treaty that allowed the Gibeonites to live amongst the Israelites. In this passage, the king of Jerusalem unites with other kings/nations to attack Gibeon in fear that the Israelites might soon conquer them as well. Gibeonites plea to Joshua for help and the Israelites stay true to their treaty and help defend Gibeon and their people. In this passage Joshua believes for big things in 3 ways:
- Believing a Big God for Big Things - Lord said to Joshua "do not be afraid of them, for I have handed them over to you. Not one of them will be able to stand against you" - Joshua 10:8
- Battle for Big Things - So Joshua and all his troops including all his best soldiers, came from Gilgal - Joshua 10:7
- Boldly Pray for Big Things - Joshua spoke to the Lord and asked for the sun and moon to stand still - Joshua 10:12-14
Let's look at how we can apply these methods into our schools and classrooms!
Believing a Big God for Big Things:
How many times have you witnessed a school or a person within the school become complacent and progress comes to a screeching halt? I am guilty of this myself. I will fall into a routine of being comfortable which leads to me not giving my best. In order to accomplish big things in schools and in our classrooms we must take big risks. Just like the Lord told Joshua in 10:8: "do not be be afraid". When we take big risks we are truly believing in our God for big things.
We usually hear in education that we want to set high expectations for all. The thought behind this is that the higher the expectations the higher the performance. We also want to encourage our students to be risk takers and not afraid to fail. The best way to develop this mindset is to model it for our students. How will you take big risks this coming school year?
Battle for Big Things:
Ever have an idea for your classroom or maybe for the entire school only to have it shot down by others? I remember a time when I thought of an amazing plan (amazing to me) to reduce our discipline issues. My idea fell on deaf ears and I felt like I didn't have a voice and was undervalued.
If we want to accomplish big things in our schools and classrooms we must be prepared to battle. God can prepare the way for us but we are still called to battle. God told Joshua that the victory was already his but yet in Joshua 10:7 we see that Joshua and his best soldiers marched from Gilgal. Teachers are the ones working in the trenches and they know what schools should be doing to make sure students are successful. What are you willing to battle for? How far are you willing to march to battle for your students?
Boldly Pray for Big Things:
Ever felt like something was just too impossible to happen? Maybe you have exhausted all options with a student, parents, coworker, or administrator. Maybe you were told that there's not enough money in the budget or simply told that something will never work. In order for us to experience big things we must boldly pray for big things.
In Joshua 10:12-14 Joshua spoke to the Lord in the presence of Israel for the sun and moon to stand still. Two things stand out: 1) This bold prayer was public. When we speak our bold ideas in front of others it can build the faith of others and we can gain much needed support. 2) Joshua asked for something that had never been done. In order to accomplish something that has never been done we must pray and do things that have never been done. What bold prayers will you make to accomplish big things?
Final Thoughts:
There are so many brilliant minds in education. It makes me wonder how many of these brilliant minds have been capped (excuse the pun) due to their ideas being shot down, neglected, or undervalued? I believe there is one reason for working in education and that is to do everything in our power for kids. Many of us have amazing ideas that will transform our student's lives and we must be willing to: 1) believe in a big God for big things, 2) battle for big things, and 3) boldly pray for big things. I would love to hear about how others are accomplishing big things for their students. Feel free to leave a comment below or reach out to me on Twitter. Have a blessed day!
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